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27 Mar

Hilarious! Stone Age Humor

Wrong Hands


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Goodbye & Good Luck!

16 Mar



Goodbye and good luck!

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16 Mar

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Qin Dynasty, Terracotta Warriors and Great Wall of China

12 Mar

Here are some more videos related to our current lessons. I have included the TED-Ed video that we used for our Zaption activity. Enjoy!

It’s Friday!

19 Feb

Enjoy your long weekend!


Bad Break (Excuse the Pun)

17 Feb

Hi students – I broke my ankle after school today while playing indoor soccer. I ran into a “brick wall,” also known as (AKA) Mr. Cristian. That’s a joke, of course. Anyway, I will not be back to school until next week at the soonest. Please be good, work hard, and enjoy your time with Ms. Jaya. I will be in a cast for at least three weeks before changing to an air cast, and will not be able to run for several months. Right now, I am in a lot of pain, but I will heal soon. I have a growth mindset and I am being positive :>)

February Birthdays!

17 Feb


Happy Birthday to Ted and Michelle! Ted (today) and Michelle (26th) are the only students celebrating a birthdays this month. Ted’s birthday is today, so wish a happy birthday and ask him why he doesn’t like chocolate. :>)

Screen Shot 2016-02-17 at 11.19.08 AM

Asoka & the Maurya Empire

18 Jan

9943375_origmaurya-and-gupta-empires-EM.W26.GUPTAEssential question:

What were some of Asoka’s accomplishments? 



Buddhism Mapped

13 Jan



13 Jan

Proverbs China

A proverb is a simple saying, popularly known and repeated, that expresses a truth based on common sense or experience. What does this one mean?

January Birthdays

9 Jan


Welcome back! We start school on Monday and it will be a a 1A Day. This week, we will learn about hinduism and buddhism, how they developed in India and their similarities and differences. We will also begin footstep #5 for Out of Eden Learn. There are two final footsteps for Learning Journey #1.

Happy Birthday to the following people celebrating birthdays this month: Ms. Jaya (8), Charlotte (16), Hyeonjoo (19), Masataka (20) and Gregor (21). If we have forgotten anyone or made any mistakes, let us know. Have a great birthday!

Indian Caste System

16 Dec

caste-system-3In lesson 2, you read about the Indian caste system and how it developed. Here are some videos that will teach you more about that system and how it is today in India. Watch one or more of these videos and answer this question: What is the caste system? 


Origins of Hinduism and Buddhism

13 Dec

This week you are learning about the origins of Hinduism. We will learn about Buddhism in India and South Asia after winter break. Check out these links to learn more:

Hinduism (British Museum) – read the story, explore and challenge links!

Buddhism (British Museum) – read the story, explore, and challenge links!

BBC Religion has two good links on both Hinduism and Buddhism. PBS has a good link on Buddhism. There are more links on our current unit on the right side of the blog. If you find any good videos or links for our current unit, send them to me.

Buddhism and Hinduism – a comparison and this table 

Chennai Floods

8 Dec

Photo by STRDEL/AFP/Getty Images (from Slate Magazine article)

Welcome back to school after a rough week with a lot of rain and flooding. I was so happy to see so many students return to school today. I was unsure of how many might come. For those who were unable to come today, we were thinking of you, and we hope you are well.

I have watched so many images this week on TV and social media (when the power came back on). Here is one article that was interesting from Slate and another article featuring images of this historic event. Yes…historic! You were part of history in Chennai, something I imagine you will not forget. Let’s think of those who are not as fortunate as us, as Chennai moves to a recovery stage. Feel free to share any stories in the comment section of compassion, courage, creativity, and confidence, AISC’s 4C’s. 



Advisory activity – 4Cs in action during our week of rains and flooding in Chennai.

Out of Eden Learn – Footstep #3

23 Nov
animaheart (Charlotte)


AppleHoneyPie (Nahyeon)


Doraemon (Ryotaro)


HamsterForever (Haruna)


MasssSaamy (Aryan)


SushiSamarai (Youhei)


FinalFantasy5 (Efflam)


MusicLover (Yui)


Heaven (Thea)


MrWigglesisBae2 (Imogen)


Here are a few of the many great neighborhood photos that students have taken for Out of Eden Learn. Many more are displayed around our classroom, and I have tweeted many others out via my Twitter handle @DigitalnomadRob. Two of our students, Ella and Hera, had their photos featured on an interactive map that Out of Eden Walk created. Click HERE to see this really great map. Sophia had a photo she took featured on Out of Eden’s Instagram page.

I am very impressed with the photos taken, and I hope you enjoyed the opportunity to slow down and notice new things about your neighborhood in Chennai. Keep up the good work!


AISC Chennai Flood Relief

18 Nov
BeatsbySeeker (Ted)

Photo by Ted

Darksword (Sangmin)

Photo by Sangmin

PinkyBlinkyInkyClyde (Donovan)

Photo by Donovan

The AISC Chennai Flood Relief (see their Facebook page, or tell your parents) have created a donation system in which people have the ability to donate a variety of different products and/or goods to aid the people of Chennai in their fight for safety and shelter. We are currently asking for foods, clothes, sundries, and items such as blankets, sheets, and mats. We already have a total of 12 boxes around the school in which you can donate these items including the main reception, the elementary entrance, and the HS and MS cafeteria.

When considering items to donate, please keep in mind the quality in which you plan to give to our campaign. When donating clothes, make sure that they are culturally appropriate and are able to be used by children from 3 to 18. As well when donating food to keep all items in good quality. Thank you for supporting your community.

Screen Shot 2015-11-18 at 4.31.06 PMFlood relief

Mesopotamia – All you want to know!

17 Nov

Here is a great video playlist with many different documentaries and more about Mesopotamia. The Civilizations documentary is really good (6 part series here).


31 May

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Departing students. We'll miss you!

Departing students. We’ll miss you!

One more week!

One more week!

Some photos from Friday’s assembly. One more week to go! What was the highlight from your 6th grade experience? What will you do this summer? Enjoy your last week with your teachers and friends.

Happy Mother’s Day

10 May


Today is Mother’s Day in many countries. Do something nice for your mom today. :>)

Earth Day – April 22

22 Apr


Why can’t every day be Earth Day?

March Birthdays!

1 Mar


Happy Birthday to the following students celebrating birthdays this month: Ye Won (Angela) (1), Amalija (9), Varun (10), Rin (15), Tejas (22). If we made any errors, or forgot someone please let us know. Have a fabulous birthday!

Monday Morning Humor

23 Feb
Image source: Teachers with  Sense of Humor (Facebook Page)

Image source: Teachers with Sense of Humor (Facebook Page)

January Birthdays

9 Jan


Happy Birthday to the following students (and teacher) celebrating a birthday in January: Luca (1), Ms. Jaya (8), Vinay (14), Dongwook (15), Nolan (19), Yuki K./Alice L./Sture (17), Vikram (18), Snehan (19), Miyu (28), and Juyang (31).  If we missed anyone, or made an error please let us know.

Mr. Martin, Mrs. Hall, and Ms. Jaya

Merry Christmas

25 Dec
Photo by Flor Martin

Photo by Flor Martin

Merry Christmas from New Zealand! Wishing you a relaxing holiday and safe travels.

Happy Holidays

18 Dec
Image source: Titlewave

Image source: Titlewave

Students: A few reminders: 1) Drop off any classroom library books if you are done with them, 2) Upload your Piktochart Infographic as a JPEG image to your e-portfolio, along with a reflection, 3) Read some books during the vacation.  Have a nice vacation. See you next year!

Grade 6 L.A./S.S. Teachers