EAL Resources

“Those who know many languages live as many lives as the languages they know.”  ‒ Czech proverb

“One language sets you in a corridor for life. Two languages open every door along the way.” ‒Frank Smith

puzzle-with-flagPlease find helpful links and information for students who are learning English as an additional language (EAL).

For Students:

BBC Learning English News

Google Translate 

For Parents:

Some ways to help your son/daughter at home:

  • Create a quiet place and a regular time to do homework and study.

  • Talk to your son/daughter about what is happening at school in your native language.

  • Encourage your son/daughter to show you school work – homework, projects, assessments, etc.

  • Provide a good translating dictionary.

  • Learning a new language takes lots of energy. Ensure that your child gets plenty of rest.

  • Help your child to find opportunities to use English outside of school (examples: after-school activities at school).

  • Be patient. Understand that learning a language is a complex, long-term process.


Links for Parents:

Questioning Strategies by SLA/Reading Level – Translated into French, Korean, and Japanese.

How can I help my child become a successful student?

How culture shock affects newcomers


2 Responses to “EAL Resources”

  1. Kiran March 8, 2014 at 8:47 am #

    Dear Mr. Martin

    After going through your Blog..I wish I was in school and wish I learnt things this way.. I would like to introduce myself. I am Ms. Kiran Islania and I work with Trailblazers and head the operations of the company and have been actively involved in planning the WWoW trip to Yelagiri for Grade 6 with my colleagues. I constantly interact with Ms Jaya and Ms Hall but I dont know whether we met..In the first year when we were planning the trip, I had met all the teachers who were a part of this trip..
    I am not so familiar with blogging and really dont know the term of ‘follow’ on a blog but have clicked on it nonetheless as I think I can learn more this way by being a part of the blog if it is permitted !! I may not blog as is it meant for your 6 grade class..but I would like to keep on reading all the cool stuff you have put on the blog..so hope I am able to do with the link that we got or whether my joining ‘Follow’ will help…eitherways I would like to congratulate you for this amazing blog..All the best, Regards,Kiran


    • Mr. Martin March 8, 2014 at 10:04 am #

      Dear Kiran,

      Thank you so much for your comment. Our grade 6 team truly enjoyed the WWoW trip to Yelagiri. It was my first time to go there. Your staff was excellent and the team building and physical activities we great fun.

      Your comments and feedback on my blog are appreciated. I am a big fan of educational blogging. I like to extend our class beyond the textbook and our four walls. There are so many great things on the Internet, useful resources and activities. This blog is a work-in-progress and I am always adding new things. As a follower of the blog, you should get a message every time I post something new. I tend to ‘post’ a new message 2-3 times a week. If these become bothersome, you can always unfollow the blog. I will share your nice comment with my class.

      Rob Martin


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