Tag Archives: Blabberize

“Blabbing” about Books!

13 Nov
Students have been sending us examples of their Blabberize videos and sharing a book they have read. Many are very good, and we will share some on our class blog. We encourage you to make your own ‘Blabber’ for a book you are reading.  We will give you extra credit, if you do one; this is an optional assignment.  The due date has been extended, and we will accept them until Monday, December 2nd. The instructions and links on how to make one are in a separate blog post that has already been shared with you (scroll down and you will see it). Here are some excellent ones:

Blabbing About Our Books!

24 Oct

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Today we started writing our scripts for our Blabberize activity.  You are creating a first-person account on a book you are reading or one you recently read, from the point of view of a main character or the author.  Today we had a bit of a rough day with technology and slow wifi…actually, it has been a rough week. Anyway, tomorrow is a new day. and we hope for better success.  In the mean time, play around with Blabberize at home, if you would like. Here are some links for directions that are easy to follows.  You can use one or more of them. They are more or less the same. If you cannot find an answer in one, you can probably find it in another link below. I recorded the audo through my computer the first time and the second time I tried it, I used an I-Pad app called ‘My Memo.’ You can use anything you want to record the audio, including your phone.  Do not embed your blabberize video on your blog, until your teahcer has seen it. You can email your teacher the URL when you are done.
How to make a Blabber
Blabber Support
Blabber Cheat Sheet