Tag Archives: Birthdays

May Birthdays

1 May


Happy birthday to the following students celebrating a birthday this month: Mayuka (2), Neel (9), Lily (14), Safiyya (19), Ziad (20),and Saho (27). If I made an error or forgot someone, let me know I will correct it. Have a great day!

April Birthdays

3 Apr


Happy birthday to the following people celebrating birthdays in April: Bunshiro (3), Simon (11), Yungwon (19), Maya (23), Milo (28). If I forgot anyone, let me know and I will add your name. Have a great day!

March Birthdays

1 Mar


Happy birthday to the following students celebrating birthdays this month: Jooeun (8), Yunwoo (10), Juhwan (12), Ryutaro (20), Bua (23), and Donghee (24). If I forgot anyone or made a mistake, email me and I will add them. Have a great day!


Celebration of Learning + February Birthdays

2 Feb


Mr. Nick and I enjoyed meeting with your parents for the Student-Led Parent Teacher Conferences on Wednesday night and Thursday. We also appreciate the students who volunteered to share work we have done for the Out of Eden Learn Project at the Celebration of Learning in the CIC. We heard many parents complement this online project and your work. 

We begin our new unit, Meeting our Needs next class. This will focus on China, trade on the Silk Roads, and globalization in the world today. We will also be starting Learning Journey 2 with new schools. Your recent work on the interviews was excellent and we have enjoyed reading the stories.

Here are the February birthdays: Somin (1), Chihiro (10), DoYeon (17), Hyeongjun and Iven (24), Raymond (28). Let us know if we made any mistakes or forgot someone. Have a great day and weekend!




Welcome back! January Birthdays

14 Jan


Welcome back to school. Monday is a 1A day. We hope you had a nice vacation, whether you stayed in Chennai or traveled. We look forward to hearing about your time spent away from school. 

Happy birthday to the following students celebrating birthdays in January: Jooeun (1), Shyam (5), Anais (8), Sungmin (24), and Ayaan (25). If we left someone off this list or made an error, let us know.

This week we will continue to focus on our compelling question: Was agriculture good for humans? We will see examples of the negative effects of the agricultural revolution. We will also be starting Out of Eden, Footstep #4. 


December Birthdays

5 Dec


Happy birthday to the following students celebrating a birthday this month: Yash (2), Kavya and Rajiv (6), Marc (16), Thibault (17), Caio (20), and Seunghyun (24). Let me know if we forgot anyone or made an error. Have a GREAT day!


November Birthdays

2 Nov


Happy birthday to the following students celebrating a birthday this month: Catherine and Hanae (3), Eunseong (6), Clara (9), Ema (15), Ellie (16), Adesh and Emily (25), Joao Pedro and Jaehui (27). If I forgot anyone, let me know. Have a FANTASTIC day!

October Birthdays

3 Oct


Happy birthday to the following students celebrating a birthday this month. Let me know if I made any errors or forgot someone. Have a great day: Adam (6), Yumin and Gwenole (8), Ahsir (12), Chanak (14), Taiyo (18), Fuuka (27), Vel (28), William (29), Shinnosuke (30). 

September Birthdays

1 Sep


Happy Birthday to the following students celebrating a birthday in September: Tommy (6), Sam (8), Tess (9), and Paul (12). If I forgot anyone, let me know. 


August Birthdays

15 Aug


Happy birthday to the following grade 6 students celebrating birthdays in the month of August. You can click on ‘comments’ and wish your classmates a happy birthday. Just add your email address and first name only. No need to add a website. If I made any mistakes or forgot someone, please let me know. Happy birthday: Ahmet (1), Luca (10), Junwon and Chaeyun (11), Ritika (17), Neil (21), and DaEun (27). 

June and July Birthdays

31 May


Happy birthday to the following students celebrating birthdays in June and July! Let me know if I missed anyone, and I will update this list. JUNE: Sieun (2), Gus(6), Nayuka(8), Shandaneh/Shapur (16), Vedha (24), and Sangwoo(27). JULY: Aika (1) and Annie(30). Have a great day and a great summer! 

May Birthdays, MAP Testing, & Final Project

1 May


Happy birthday to the following students celebrating a birthday this month: Sanjith(11), Victor(22), EJ (26). If I forgot anyone or made an error, please let me know. Have a great day!

MAP Testing ends this week. On Tuesday, you will have your math test and on Wednesday you will have your language test. 

Your final product for the comparing places project is due at the end of the week: Thursday, May 4 (B/D) and Friday, May 5 (F/H). Our next Out of Eden Learn footstep will start next week.

April Birthdays

2 Apr


Happy birthday to the following people celebrating birthdays this month: Christian(6), Mr. Martin (22), Axel and Finn (23), and Emi (29). If I forgot anyone, let me know and I will edit this list. Have a great day!

March Birthdays

2 Mar


Happy birthday to the following students celebrating birthdays this month: Luca (3), Mr. Ranson (6), Florian (11), Byunggeon(24), Mayu (28), and Aidan (29). If I forgot anyone, let me know and I will fix it. Have a great day!

February Birthdays

31 Jan


Happy birthday to the following students celebrating their birthday in February: Tomoyasu (2), Arnav (3), Seojin (9), Hayden (24), Amelie (25), and Clara (27). If we forgot anyone, please let me know. 

January Birthdays

9 Jan


Happy birthday to the following students celebrating birthdays this month: Suin (8), Amy (18), Palani (21), Hakin (27). If I forgot anyone or made an error, let me know. Have a great day!

December Birthdays

30 Nov


Happy birthday to the following students celebrating their birthday in the month of December: Seohyun (2), Sanjeev (3), Hyewon & Jinwon (9), Natalie and Nathan (13), Akshaya (14), Shanmugam (24), Samira (30), Riley (31). Let me know if I forgot anyone or made an error.

November Birthdays

31 Oct


Happy birthday to the following students celebrating birthdays in the month of November: Miruna (13), ChaeYeon(17), Paula(24), and Gautham (27). If I left someone off the list, let me know. Have a great day!


October Birthdays + Next Week

8 Oct

Happy birthday to all of the grade 6 students celebrating birthdays this month: Leo (15), Lokesh & Seongwon(19), Junwoo (25), Yejin (26) and Hana (28). If I left anyone off this list or made an error, let me know. Enjoy the rest of your vacation and see you on Monday, which will be a 1A Day. I am enjoying my vacation in Vietnam and have added some photos to my Instagram account which is on my class blog. Here is one photo I took the other day.

We look forward to hearing about your vacation, whether you stayed in Chennai or traveled. Next week we will continue working on our research project and also introduce Out of Eden Learn Footstep #2 – Creating a Neighborhood Map. Students in our walking party have already begun posting their maps. You can see their maps and comment.


August and September Birthdays!

1 Sep


Happy birthday to the following students who either celebrated a birthday last month or are celebrating this month. Make sure you add your birthday to the Google Document I shared with you last week, so I can add your name this year. Have a great day, and post a comment to wish your classmates a happy birthday. 

August: Hyeonsu (5), Shiv (7), YeongJun (24) and Owen(28)

September: Dhivya (9), Ava (12), Suman (17), Moeno (19), Gyubo (22). 

May Birthdays

3 May

Happy Birthday Dog Singing

Happy birthday to the following students celebrating birthdays this month: Yewon (16), Aryan (18), Youhei (21), Madhulika (22), Efflam/Hanut (26). Let me know if I forgot anyone. Have a great day! I will add the June and July birthdays together at the end of the month. 

April Birthdays

31 Mar


Happy birthday to the following people celebrating birthdays in April: Keisha (5) Mr. Martin (22), Lya (23), Nahyeon (25), Young In (27). If I forgot someone, or make a mistake let me know. Happy birthday!

March Birthdays

5 Mar


Happy Birthday Dog Singing

Happy birthday to the following students celebrating a birthday this month. If I made an error, or forgot someone please let me know! Praseedha (1), Sokhi (8), Cyril (11), Jihyeon (15),ChangIk (17), Seohyun Park (18), Sangmin Han (19), Donovan (27), Jeongwon (28), Chanwoo (31)

February Birthdays!

17 Feb


Happy Birthday to Ted and Michelle! Ted (today) and Michelle (26th) are the only students celebrating a birthdays this month. Ted’s birthday is today, so wish a happy birthday and ask him why he doesn’t like chocolate. :>)

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January Birthdays

9 Jan


Welcome back! We start school on Monday and it will be a a 1A Day. This week, we will learn about hinduism and buddhism, how they developed in India and their similarities and differences. We will also begin footstep #5 for Out of Eden Learn. There are two final footsteps for Learning Journey #1.

Happy Birthday to the following people celebrating birthdays this month: Ms. Jaya (8), Charlotte (16), Hyeonjoo (19), Masataka (20) and Gregor (21). If we have forgotten anyone or made any mistakes, let us know. Have a great birthday!