Tag Archives: Video

Stories of Migration: Escape from Raqqa

15 Nov

The story of Ahmed and his family, who were caught up in the fight against Islamic State militants in Syria. We have learned about why people migrate or leave their home. This is a very powerful video from the BBC that a friend shared with me. Ahmed is just one of nearly 250,000 people who fled Raqqa during the military offensive to drive out the Islamic State group from the city.

Produced by Nader Ibrahim, BBC Arabic and Coda Studio; Animation by Alessandra Cugno; Illustrations by Sofiya Voznaya

News Brief: Pollution in India

13 Nov

The pollution problems in New Delhi have been featured in the news a lot in the recent weeks. Thick smog blanketed areas of northern India, exceeding 10 times the recommended safe limit. Low visibility from the pollution has been blamed for an 18-car-pileup about 30 miles from New Delhi. Breathing the air has been likened to smoking 50 cigarettes in one day. Cold temperatures and slow winds have been blamed for the dangerous rise in pollution. – National Geographic


What is Social Studies?

15 Aug

This week we are introduced our class, Social Studies. What is Social Studies? Watch these videos. The first one is the one we watched in class and discussed in our table groups. We are will learn about the various themes of this subject, throughout the year – geography, history, civics, and economics.

Selecting Powerful Images / Writing Good Captions

21 Apr

In class this week, you have finished your essay where you have compared and contrasted your two places (countries) and you have ensured that you cited your resources (Work Cited/Bibliography) under your essay. This should all be on your note-taking template under your notes. Once this is finished, you are now ready to move to the final stage of your project. It’s time to make a product that visually demonstrates your learning of the physical and cultural characteristics of your two places. You are:

  1. Collecting images and writing citations for your images.

  2. Storing your images in a folder (desktop, Google Drive, or another place of your choice).

  3. Saving the URL for each image you find and adding it to the work cited information.

These two videos are helpful resources as you write citations for your images.

China and Renewable Energy

11 Apr

China is the world’s largest emitter of greenhouse gases, using fossil fuels to drive rapid industrialization. So why is it now investing billions of dollars in green technology? Watch this video to learn more. I saw this video today and thought it was a nice connection to economy and the environment and what is happening in China today. 

The Economy Playlist

3 Apr

This playlist features helpful videos to review some of the concepts we have been learning about in class. Our last area of research for your project is on the economy of your two countries. Continue to use the guiding questions on the shared document (“What is good information?) as you complete your research this week.


Comparing Places

29 Mar

Here are some videos that compare countries or places.

How Religion Spread Around the World

5 Mar

Hinduism, Buddhism, Christianity, Judaism, and Islam are five of the biggest religions in the world. Over the last few thousand years, these religious groups have shaped the course of history and had a profound influence on the trajectory of the human race. Through countless conflicts, conquests, missions abroad, and simple word of mouth, these religions spread around the globe and forever molded the huge geographic regions in their paths.


When watching this video, what you see or notice?

What does it make you think about?

What questions or wonderings do you have when you watch this video?  


What story does this video tell you about the spread of religion?

What does it mean for an idea to spread? 

What needs to happen for an idea to spread?

Google Hangout with Paul Salopek

3 Mar

Students –

National Geographic Education hosted a live event last night where teachers and students could ask Paul Salopek questions about his journey. He got quite a few new questions in this interview from Bishkek, where he is spending the winter months. Check it out!

Fake News vs. Real News

27 Feb


This Thursday we will have our second Inspiration Conversation of this year on Fake News vs. Real News. We will be meeting on the 2nd Floor of the ES/MS CIC at 3:45 for snacks and refreshments, and we will start the session at 4:15. I hope that you can join us as we explore what makes news fake, what tools do we have to help us determine if something is fake, and what role do we have in stopping the spread of fake news. This is a pressing and important issue in the world today, which plays a role in everyone’s life. This is open to MS and HS students. See you there!


The New Silk Road & Globalization

15 Dec

These videos make connections between the ancient Silk Road network and the New Silk Road routes that China and other countries are developing today.

Why are they developing these ancient routes today? 

Is the ancient Silk Road an example of globalization?  

Should the ancient Silk Road be renamed?

The Problem with Maps

7 Dec

This is a pretty cool video that I saw recently. Sanjeev also saw it and sent me a message about it. Check it out! “There’s not “right” map projection. Each comes with trade-offs, and cartographers (map makers) make projection decisions based on the particular tasks at hand. But if you are interested in seeing an accurate depiction of the planet, it’s best to stick with a globe.”

A Return to Bartering

6 Dec

Many Indian villages are returning to bartering amid a nationwide cash crisis. Hard currency is in short supply following the government’s surprise decision to scrap 500 and 1,000 rupee notes in an effort to curb corruption. The BBC visited a village in the state of West Bengal to meet farmers and laborers who are trying desperately to survive without cash in hand. This article makes me think about ancient history and how people traded. 



Photo by Axel

Cities of the Indus Valley

22 Nov

How was the Harappan civilization similar to other civilizations we have studied? What made it unique? Watch a video and add a comment.

Incredible India

17 Nov

Here is the advertisement we watched in your last class. There is another advertisement (#2) along with some short videos which show the amazing physical and human geography of India.

Mesopotamia vs. Egypt

23 Sep

This is a great video that features a comparison between Mesopotamia and Egypt.

The Long Dry Spell (role play)

24 Aug

“The brutal heat makes it difficult to work. Yet every day you must walk to the river with animal-skin bags to get water for the plants. You repeat the trip hour after hour, until your legs feel like they won’t support you any longer. Your back aches from carrying water and bending over your crops. The plants need every drop of moisture they can get. But the heat of the sun seems to evaporate the water as soon as it hits the ground.” – The Long Dry Spell” (pages 80 – 81).


Geography and Scarcity in Mesopotamia and Egypt

22 Aug

This video playlist features short videos on the geography of Mesopotamia and Egypt. In class you will be conducting research to answer the question: How did geography and scarcity influence the rise of civilization in Mesopotamia and Egypt? After watching a video, share something you learned.


From Hunters-Gatherers to Early Farmers

17 Aug

This video playlist features videos that support things you have been reading in Chapter 2, lesson 2, including human migration, hunters-gatherers, communication, and the development of early farming practices. 

Ice Man Murder Mystery (PBS NOVA)

16 Aug

Several students asked me to share the documentary made by PBS Nova (Ice Man Murder Mystery). How did Otzi, the Ice Man die? What did scientists and doctors learn about his life from studying his body? What can we learn about the lives of hunter-gatherers from the artifacts they found with his body? Here is a LINK to the museum where Otzi ‘lives’ in Italy. Here is a link the the PBS/Nova website where you can find a transcript to the documentary. Watch this playlist and documentary to see what happened (optional). If you do watch it, post a comment and share something interesting you learned

Sentence stems:

Something interesting I learned from the documentary is…

I used to think Otzi was…..Now I think….

One question/wondering I still have is…



Ancient Egypt Videos – Best of the Best

18 May

Here is a selection of video documentaries we made for our Egypt project. There were many excellent ones, and I believe we all developed new skills in developing an inquiry or question to research, learning how to stay organized when doing research, writing a script or storyboard, and making a video. The videos in this playlist were among the best ones I watched. Good work everyone!

Watch the world population grow in under six minutes

17 May

Watch human population grow from 1 CE to present and see projected growth in under six minutes. One dot = 1 million people. Video via WorldPopulationHistory.org. (WorldPopulationHistory). Very cool video, but also scary when you think about our Earth’s limited resources and the environment. What do you notice when you watch this video (See – Think – Wonder).

The Geography of Greece

4 May

Isthmus from mainland Greece to the Peloponnesus

Isthmus of Central America

Isthmus of Central America






Korean peninsula

Greece is a beautiful country and its geography shaped life there. Click on these links to learn more about how Greeks used their limited land resources and trade to prosper.

Odyssey Online – Click on the link ‘geography’ and then look at the map link and look at the British Museum to get an introduction to the geography of Greece. 

Follow Odysseus’ travels to many fantastic lands with this story
Be an underwater archaeologist – take the challenge! Enjoy these links and post a comment telling me something interesting you learned about Greece.

Paul Follows the Footsteps of Silk Road Traders

2 May

Three years ago, Pulitzer-winning journalist Paul Salopek embarked on a decade-long walk around the world, charting the path of the original human emigrants who left their birthplace in eastern Africa to spread across the globe. As he prepares to follow the Silk Road from Central Asia into China, Salopek checks in with Hari Sreenivasan to reflect on his journey thus far and what lies ahead. Watch the video and/or read the interview from PBS news and see what is next for the Out of Eden Walk.


Pyramids around the World

27 Apr



Sudan, Africa


Sudan, Africa


Guatemala, Central America

Pyramids are not only in Egypt! Check out some of the pyramids in these photos and take a look at some of the articles here. Also, watch the playlist of video clips below. If you have any good links, videos, or photos, please send them to Mr. Martin. Thanks!

Ancient Pyramids around the World (Smithsonian Magazine)

The World’s 15 Most Amazing Pyramids (Weather.com)

World Pyramids

Pyramids (British Museum) – try the challenge activity!

4,600 Year old Pyramid Discovered  Read all about it!