Archive | August, 2017

Out of Eden Learn is Coming Soon!

30 Aug

Snapshot Autobiography Introduction

29 Aug
SS1SS2SS4SS5SS7SS6Photos by Rob Martin

We have started our snapshot autobiography project! We brainstormed a list of memorable events, defined a turning point, and interviewed parents about a turning point in their lives. We are also reviewing our rubric to ensure we understand expectations. In class this week, we are learning how to write a claim, use evidence, and support our claim through reasoning (CER). Please see PowerSchool for the slides and our daily agenda. 

Hammurabi’s Code of Law

23 Aug

In class this week, we have been using Hammurabi’s Code of Law as a case study to explore the question: Why are laws or rules important? Here is a short video playlist that includes information about Hammurabi, his empire, and his code of law. We hope you enjoyed the lesson.

What is Social Studies?

15 Aug

This week we are introduced our class, Social Studies. What is Social Studies? Watch these videos. The first one is the one we watched in class and discussed in our table groups. We are will learn about the various themes of this subject, throughout the year – geography, history, civics, and economics.

August Birthdays

15 Aug


Happy birthday to the following grade 6 students celebrating birthdays in the month of August. You can click on ‘comments’ and wish your classmates a happy birthday. Just add your email address and first name only. No need to add a website. If I made any mistakes or forgot someone, please let me know. Happy birthday: Ahmet (1), Luca (10), Junwon and Chaeyun (11), Ritika (17), Neil (21), and DaEun (27). 

Welcome Back (2017 – 2018)

13 Aug

Day 1BDay 1DDay 1EDay 2CDay 1a

Welcome to 6th grade! We hope you had a nice summer and are ready for a great year. Along with PowerSchool, my class blog will celebrate learning and share ideas. This blog is also a great way for parents to see what we are doing in class. As of today, this site has had over 90,000 page views from 174 countries. You and your parents can ‘follow’ the blog by adding your email address in the box at the top right of the blog. You need to confirm you are following the blog when you get a message in your inbox. Anytime Mr. Martin adds a new post on this blog, you will get a message, if you are following this blog

The photos above feature some activities we did in our first day, the name wave. We learned each other’s names and how to pronounce each other’s name. We also did a four corners activity. In addition, we discussed important materials needed for our class:

  • spiral notebook

  • accordion folder

  • pencil case

– Mr. Martin and Mr. Ranson