Archive | May, 2017

Have a Great Summer

31 May




Have a great summer. We will miss you and wish you the best of luck in 7th grade. Comment and tell us what you will miss about 6th grade and what you are excited about doing this summer. 

June and July Birthdays

31 May


Happy birthday to the following students celebrating birthdays in June and July! Let me know if I missed anyone, and I will update this list. JUNE: Sieun (2), Gus(6), Nayuka(8), Shandaneh/Shapur (16), Vedha (24), and Sangwoo(27). JULY: Aika (1) and Annie(30). Have a great day and a great summer! 

Learning from Past Generations

29 May

Students have completed their final Out of Eden Learn footstep for the year, Learning from Past Generations. Students interviewed someone, typically a family member, about a meaningful and old object (at least 30 years!). They learned to develop their interviewing skills through the types of questions they would create and ask. Each student wrote a story that highlighted the most important details from the interview. Learning the story behind the object and why it is meaningful were key things to learn. I love this activity because students learn new things about their parents and their own family history. Here are some excerpts from some stories:

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“Overall, I had an awesome time learning about something that I never knew my mom was carrying with her for the past fifteen years!!” – Emi

“After the interview was over, I thanked my grandmother for letting me interview her. In addition, this interview has helped me get to know my grandmother more. Furthermore, this experience has improved my relationship with my grandmother.” – Nashiha

‘I think this was a valuable interview because I learnt a lot about my mother.   I always knew she was nostalgic about most of her possessions and this ring had a great memory.  I am so satisfied at the end since I know she was very proud to be in a family which respected female children.  As quoted by her, “This ring is so precious not only because it has travelled several generations but also it shows the respect of a female child in my family.”’ – Suman

“At the end of this interview, I learned quite a bit about the dynamics between my mother and grandfather. It’s quite inspiring how inspired my mother was by my grandfather!!!  I think my mother will keep this letter for as long as humanly possible!” – Shanmuga

‘“Objects that are from the past are like flashbacks you have on the back of your mind.” I interviewed my grandmother. The object I interviewed her about was a necklace that she had ever since she was a kid. My grandmother has had it since 1956, when she was 5 years old. The necklace is made out of gold. The necklace is about a foot long.’ – Shandaneh

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“People have many things that are meaningful to them. These can be an artifacts, heirlooms, or something that reminds them of good memories. For this footstep I interviewed my mom about something that meant a lot to her. This happened to be a stuffed animal. Surprisingly, it is in fairly nice condition considering that it is over 40 years old.” – Owen

“Anything can hold memories. It can be a photo or something passed down from generations. That one thing for my grandmother was a large bowl. The bowl is heavy and is gold in color with black specs on it. It’s shiny and clean, but you can still tell that it is still old. I never really wondered what it was even though I walk past it every day. In conclusion, my interview with my grandmother was very informational. It helped me learn about an object which I thought was just a random artifact in my house. It also helped me learn about my grandmother’s love for my great great grandmother.” – Shiv

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“In conclusion, my interview with my dad was very, very interesting because I learned a lot of things about him and now I feel like just listening to this interview again because it inspires me to do a lot of things. For example, achieving a lot of things like helping other people in many ways.” – Lokesh

Textbook Return

23 May


Please return your textbook this week. I will sign your forms saying you have returned the book. Thanks! – Mr. Martin

Asking Follow-Up Questions

12 May

As we prepare to do interviews for our next Out of Eden Learn footstep (Learning from Past Generations), we will talk more about the importance of asking follow up questions. Here are some helpful videos that tells you more about these questions.

Worldometers – a COOL site!

5 May

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Check out this cool website that Sangwoo found while doing research for his project. It features live statistics on all kinds of information. Thanks for sharing Sangwoo!

Why Geography Matters More Than Ever (PBS)

4 May
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“Geography matters today more than ever, but only if we are looking at the right things,” writes teacher Chris Heffernan. World map mosaic by Luis Cristino da Silva in Lisbon, Portugal. Photo by DeAgostini/Getty Images

As students finish their comparing places project which has focused on comparing the physical and cultural (human) geography of two places, I thought I would share this interesting column I just read on the PBS Newshour website. Here is an interesting excerpts and the column itself. 

“Geography matters more now than ever because students need to know human geography. They need to understand the relationships that exist between cultures. They need to see not just the differences in cultures, but the similarities. Students need to know that the kid sitting in a school in Afghanistan today probably doesn’t speak the same language, practice the same religion or live in a home that looks anything like a student in the United States, but they have a lot of things in common. They both love their families, the both want to play and they both want to learn. When we focus on the similarities instead of the differences, it changes the picture.”


Final Projects – Comparing Places

3 May


Students have been working very hard for several weeks now for our comparing places project. Students chose either China or India to compare with a country of their choice. Focusing on the physical and cultural geography and characteristics of their two places, they conducted research, evaluated resources, developed note-taking skills, and learned academic vocabulary and comparative language. They wrote an essay comparing and contrasting their two places, as well as learned how to cite their sources using an MLA format. Their final step is to create a visual product (video, poster, slide show, etc.) demonstrating the highlights of their two places and how they are unique. Final products are due this week. Next week on Monday and Tuesday, students will share their learning. 

May Birthdays, MAP Testing, & Final Project

1 May


Happy birthday to the following students celebrating a birthday this month: Sanjith(11), Victor(22), EJ (26). If I forgot anyone or made an error, please let me know. Have a great day!

MAP Testing ends this week. On Tuesday, you will have your math test and on Wednesday you will have your language test. 

Your final product for the comparing places project is due at the end of the week: Thursday, May 4 (B/D) and Friday, May 5 (F/H). Our next Out of Eden Learn footstep will start next week.