National Poetry Month & Out of Eden Learn

14 Apr


In honor of #‎NationalPoetryMonth‬, Project Zero at Harvard University (Out of Eden Learn) is calling all students to submit poetry about Out of Eden Learn and Paul Salopek’s Out of Eden Walk. They will feature student poems on their Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram! Email your submissions to and also your teacher. Here are two examples of poems written by 11 year old students in the Out of Eden Learn project.

In honor of ‪#‎NationalPoetryMonth‬: today we're featuring a poem by Out of Eden Learn student creativeart2014 about the Out of Eden Walk  Age 11, Virginia, United States. (Source: Out of Eden Learn Facebook Page).

In honor of ‪#‎NationalPoetryMonth‬: today we’re featuring a poem by Out of Eden Learn student creativeart2014 about the Out of Eden Walk
Age 11, Virginia, United States. (Source: Out of Eden Learn Facebook Page).

A student from Virginia Beach, United States shares a poem about Out of Eden Walk. Submit student poems today in honor of ‪#‎NationalPoetryMonth‬ about or related to Paul Salopek's epic walk! (Source: Out of Eden Facebook Page).

A student from Virginia Beach, United States shares a poem about Out of Eden Walk. Submit student poems today in honor of ‪#‎NationalPoetryMonth‬ about or related to Paul Salopek’s epic walk! (Source: Out of Eden Facebook Page).

7 Responses to “National Poetry Month & Out of Eden Learn”

  1. adityathota April 14, 2015 at 12:58 pm #

    This my poem

    We see the world round and round
    but we don’t hear it’s very sound
    though as we walk the earth
    that’s a speck in space
    we don’t know our very race

    Our ancestors walked the earth
    thinking it was really big
    probably thought it would take them a week
    as they walked the earth big and bright
    they realized their schedule would be really tight

    They walked the earth, days even years
    walking so far they shed some tears
    our ancestors made it all around the world
    don’t you think it’s now our turn?


    • Mr. Martin April 14, 2015 at 2:11 pm #


      Wow, wow, wow…I am truly impressed. I forgot how much you liked to write poetry. Great work. Please share it via the email address given and cc me. Nice work and feel free to write another one, if you wish.

      Mr. Martin


  2. Vani April 16, 2015 at 10:56 am #

    Dear Aditya,
    A beautiful poem after a long time. Really love it, so nicely conveyed the importance of going around the world which in turn discover about our self and the value of life. Keep up the good work!!
    Luv Mom.


  3. prhea2003 April 16, 2015 at 12:52 pm #

    2 Poems
    1. Walking
    Walking, walking,

    in footsteps of ancients,

    of ancestors, of our origins.

    Discovering, finding, observing

    details looked past by many more.

    Diving, rediscovering, looking in

    on one tiny ordinary detail

    more than one can ever imagine.

    Bringing up something


    2. Simplicity

    Look, find, see

    This is what makes a discovery

    Observe the unnoticed,

    Stare at the forgotten,


    Simplicity is what holds

    the most intricate details.



    • Mr. Martin April 17, 2015 at 3:46 am #


      Nice job. Thank you for sharing these poems on the blog. I really like the second one, in particular. I noticed this morning that it was featured on the Out of Eden Learn (@OutofEdenLearn) Twitter site. Good work and keep on writing!

      Mr. Martin


  4. Sravya April 20, 2015 at 12:29 pm #

    We see the world one way,
    He sees it another.
    We don’t notice small,
    beautiful details.

    You wouldn’t think it matters,
    But if feels good to see the world.
    To really open your eyes wide.
    Loving each part and aspect,
    Gaining respect for each culture and language.
    That is the greatness of going slow.

    Lets go together,
    On a journey,
    of beauty,
    of peace,
    of innovation,
    of different sounds and tastes.

    To really open your eyes wide,


    • Mr. Martin April 20, 2015 at 1:33 pm #

      Another wow, wow, wow poem. Great work! I just finished dinner and saw your message arrive. I was reading it to my family and they were equally impressed. Please email Out of Eden and cc me. Hopefully, your poem will be among the ones they choose for their social media site.


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