Archive | December, 2014

Merry Christmas

25 Dec
Photo by Flor Martin

Photo by Flor Martin

Merry Christmas from New Zealand! Wishing you a relaxing holiday and safe travels.

Happy Holidays

18 Dec
Image source: Titlewave

Image source: Titlewave

Students: A few reminders: 1) Drop off any classroom library books if you are done with them, 2) Upload your Piktochart Infographic as a JPEG image to your e-portfolio, along with a reflection, 3) Read some books during the vacation.  Have a nice vacation. See you next year!

Grade 6 L.A./S.S. Teachers

Departing Students: Goodbye and Good Luck!

16 Dec
Signe, Hanung, Dong Yoon, and Woosung (Photo by Ms. Jaya)

Signe, Hanung, Dong Yoon, and Woosung (Photo by Ms. Jaya)

Signe, Hanung, Woosung, and Dong Yoon (Photo by Ms. Jaya)

Signe, Hanung, Woosung, and Dong Yoon (Photo by Ms. Jaya)

Grade 6 is saying goodbye to four students who are leaving AISC and Chennai. This is the last week for Signe, Dong Yoon, Woosung, and Hanung. Post a comment and say goodbye to your classmate. Keep in touch!

Mr. Martin, Mrs. Hall and Ms. Jaya

Out of Eden Walk: Paul Faces Obstacles

16 Dec
Trail to Kars, Turkey. Photo by Murat Yazar (Facebook Page - Out of Eden Walk, Dec. 9, 2014)

Trail to Kars, Turkey. Photo by Murat Yazar (Facebook Page – Out of Eden Walk, Dec. 9, 2014)

“As opposed to the first year, which was high adventure and culture and deep history, the turmoil in the Middle East did knock me sideways,” he said.
This week, National Public Radio’s Morning Edition‘s Steve Inskeep caught up with Salopek in Tbilisi, Georgia, where he plans to hunker down for the winter. Listen to his five minute story and see the related article on this link.
Click the link below to learn more about Paul’s journey and to find out his plans for the winter. We will join Project Zero’s (Harvard University) Out of Eden Learn Project after the winter break.

NPR Story and Interview

Mesopotamia Test

9 Dec
Test-TakingYour unit test for chapters 3 (lesson 1, 2, 3) and 4 (lessons 1) will be on:
Monday (Dec. 15th) Block H (Hall), G (Martin) or Tuesday (Dec. 16th) Block B (Hall), D (Martin)
The study guide is on our Moodle page. Please review this document carefully! How can you prepare for the test
  • Review the above-mentioned chapters and lessons in your textbook – re-read them! Pay attention to the lesson objectives, main ideas, and the lesson summary.
  • Review vocabulary and notes on our Moodle page and in your notebook.
  • Use the blog (links and videos), especially the Classzone Review site to practice and review.
  • Find a study-buddy, someone who will help you, not distract you!
Here is a playlist featuring videos about Mesopotamia. You might find some of these videos or documentaries helpful when reviewing what you have learned.

Advisory: What is Caring?

5 Dec

What does it mean to care? How does one show caring?


Comment or share other quotes or videos that show the trait of caring.


Advisory: Project Xpat

4 Dec
Students and any parents who might be following our blog,
Here is a slideshow that the grade 6 team shared at the M.S. assembly today. We’d like to thank Vinay R. for his excellent introduction (no notes) and Prannoy for his sounds of Chennai recording. It was great to read so many different reflections on what it means to be an expatriate in India.  For more information on Project Xpat and to see where we got this identity lesson idea, Google NPR Project Xpat. There are some nice articles and recordings to check out.


A Book and a Hug – Find a New Book!

1 Dec
Screen Shot 2014-12-01 at 11.31.32 PM

Click this screen shot to make enlarge.

As it has for years, A Book and A Hug hosts reviews of thousands of books for young readers. You can search for books by keywords, age of the reader, genre, geographical setting of a book, and reading level. A Book and a Hug is a book recommendation site that we just discovered. There is a ten question quiz that you can complete to find out what kind of reading “superhero” you are. The quiz is designed to help you determine the type of books you might be interested in reading. The site also has a book review form that you can complete to submit your own book reviews (you could copy book reviews from our book review site to this one, if you wish).
How can this site help you? Along with our book blogs, this site is a tremendous aid in your search for your next favorite book. We will add a link of this site to our book blogs. Check out this site!

Hammurabi’s Code of Law

1 Dec

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Why are laws necessary? What basic ideas about the law did Hammurabi’s Code set up?

Here is a link that Samara shared with me – 8 Things You May Not Know About Hammurabi’s Code

December Birthdays

1 Dec

Funny-Happy-Birthday-14Happy birthday to the following students celebrating birthdays in the month of December: Dong Yoon (12/18) and Tae Yeon (12/25). If we missed anyone, please let us know.

Mr. Martin, Mrs. Hall, and Ms. Jaya